Bright, aromatic, extremely versatile.
250-300g freshly squeezed lemon/any citrus juice. (~12-15 lemons)
lemon peels.
80 proof alcohol, or vodka or any high proof spirit.
unpasteurized vinegar.
sterile container/jar.
air pump & stone, optional, although highly recommended.
food processor.
heat-proof bowl/container.
roughly 500mL of vinegar.
1. process.
Add the lemon juice and peels of the lemon into a sterile fermentation vessel.
Measure the weight of the juice and peels, add 23.4% of the weight in unpasteurized vinegar.
Measure the weight of the mixture again, add 20% of the weight in alcohol.
2. ferment.
Add the liquid to a sterile container.
Place an airstone, connected to an air pump into the bottom of the mixture, wrap the top of the container with cheesecloth and secure with a rubberband.
Allow the vinegar to ferment for 10-14 days, start tasting after about one week to observe how the acid forms.
The vinegar is ready once the taste of alcohol has dissipated and is replaced by a bright, slightly sweet and bitter taste with a strong vinegary kick.
Strain the vinegar through a cheesecloth, discarding the solids. Optionally; reserve the peels, slice thin and use as a salad topping, storing in the fridge for 1 month.
Store in the fridge for 1 year.