grilled fish.


  • 1 whole fish, deboned or fileted.

  • kosher salt.

  • lemon.

  • canola oil.

  • clarified butter/olive oil.


  • grill.

  • grill basket.


  • 1 fish, grilled.


  1. butcher the fish.

2. cure & dry:

  • Season the fish with salt and let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes.

  • Gently, wipe off any moisture on the fish.

  • Let the fish sit on a tray lined with a wired rack, skin-side facing up overnight.

3. grill.

  • Preheat your grill until it's hot.

  • Lightly brush the skin with oil, and place it on a wire rack or grill basket skin-side down.

  • Once the skin is charred and crisp, brush with fat, flip and finish cooking on the flesh side.

  • Squeeze a few drops of lemon onto the flesh side.

  • Let rest for 1-2 minutes before serving.

